Banking & Expanding Your Stem Cells

The Future of Stem Cell Treatments

Learn more as to why you should bank your stem cells and how you could have your cells expanded for future treatments.


In 2024, RestorePDX partnered with Personalized Stem Cells (PSC) as Center of Excellence for Stem Cell Banking. Prior to that, RestorePDX participated in FDA Clinical Trials with PSC.

As a Center of Excellence Clinic, we are excited to offer our patients an opportunity to store and expand your stem cells! We are committed to harnessing the power of stem cells to open new doors to health and recovery. With over a decade of experience, we stand at the forefront of medical innovations, offering our patients cutting-edge treatments that redefine what is possible in healthcare.

Unlock the Potential of Personalized Medicine

Stem cells, sourced from your own body fat, hold the key to personalized medical treatments. At RestorePDX, we specialize in the safe and effective harvest of these cells for same-day treatments. 

As we are already taking fat for your procedure, we now  offer services to bank and store them for future use. Our process ensures that you have access to your stem cells when you need them most, whether for treatment of chronic conditions or for emerging medical therapies.

How It Works

Our process begins with a minimally invasive fat harvest, where your stem cells are collected and prepared for banking. These cells are then sent to our partners at Personalized Stem Cells who store your cells under optimal conditions, ensuring their viability and potency for when you choose to use them. PSC’s state-of-the-art facilities and strict adherence to safety protocols make us a trusted leader in stem cell storage.

Explore the Future of Your Health

To truly understand the potential of stem cell therapies and to determine if you qualify for federal right-to-try expansion and re-injection of your own cells, we encourage a consultation with one of our experienced doctors. 

This consultation is your gateway to tailored treatments and is an opportunity to discuss how stem cell technologies can be part of your health journey.

Ready to Take the Next Step?

RestorePDX has been at the tip of the spear in regenerative medicine for over ten years, making us one of the top clinics globally in this field. Schedule a consultation today to explore how banking and expanding your stem cells can benefit you. Embrace the future of personalized medicine now—your journey to groundbreaking healthcare innovations begins here.





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Where do you get my stem cells from?

Stem cells for personalized medical treatments can be harvested from various sources, but adipose fat is one of the most common and accessible sources. Adipose tissue, or body fat, is rich in mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), which can be extracted through a minor surgical procedure typically involving liposuction. This procedure is usually quick and can be performed under local anesthesia.

Why are fat stem cells the best for expansion?

Fat-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are favored for several reasons:

  1. Abundance: Adipose tissue contains a high density of MSCs compared to other sources like bone marrow.
  2. Accessibility: The process of extracting stem cells from fat is less invasive and painful than bone marrow extraction.
  3. Potency: Fat-derived MSCs have robust regenerative capabilities, making them effective for treating a variety of conditions and supporting tissue regeneration.
  4. Reduced Complications: The extraction process is associated with fewer complications and a faster recovery time.
What is the process of banking my stem cells?

Banking stem cells involves several steps:

  1. Collection: Stem cells are harvested from your adipose tissue using a liposuction procedure.
  2. Processing: The collected tissue is processed in a laboratory to isolate the stem cells.
  3. Testing: Isolated cells are tested for viability and any potential contaminants to ensure they are safe for future use.
  4. Cryopreservation: Once deemed viable and clean, the stem cells are cryogenically frozen and stored in a stem cell bank under controlled conditions until they are needed for treatment.
What is the process for expanding my stem cells?

Expanding stem cells typically involves:

  1. Thawing: The cryopreserved stem cells are carefully thawed to preserve their viability.
  2. Culturing: Thawed cells are placed in a controlled culture environment where they are fed with nutrients and growth factors that encourage them to multiply.
  3. Monitoring: During expansion, the cells are regularly monitored for growth rate and any signs of abnormal behavior.
  4. Harvesting: Once a sufficient quantity of cells has been achieved, they are harvested for therapeutic use or further banking.
What are the next steps for me to bank or expand my stem cells so I can use them in the future?
  1. Consultation: Schedule a consultation with a specialist in regenerative medicine to discuss your needs and eligibility for stem cell banking and expansion.
  2. Medical Evaluation: Undergo a medical evaluation to ensure you are a suitable candidate for the procedure.
  3. Procedure Scheduling: If you are a candidate, you can schedule the liposuction procedure to harvest your stem cells.
  4. Stem Cell Collection and Banking: Follow through with the stem cell extraction and decide whether you wish to bank or expand your cells immediately based on your future needs and medical advice.
  5. Follow-Up: Maintain contact with your stem cell bank for updates on your banked cells and discuss potential uses as medical technology and your health needs evolve.
How much does it cost?

Stem cell banking and expansion at RestorePDX is a cutting-edge medical service that is not covered by insurance. The total cost of the procedure varies based on several factors, including the area of the body from which the stem cells are harvested, the complexity of the procedure, the number of targets, and the duration of the procedure.
Patients can expect to pay between $25,000 and $35,000, an investment in their health that is comparable to the costs of medical tourism destinations such as the Bahamas, Cayman Islands, Colombia, and Panama etc. This range reflects our commitment to providing top-tier, personalized medical care, without the restrictions of insurance.